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Всего работ в библиотеке: 99
Показано: 81-99
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The castle of Edinburgh by G. F. Maine (fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute), cover design and illustrations by Cecile Walton. Printed and published by G. F. Maine (all rights reserved). 1920
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British castles; or, a compendious history of the ancient military structures of Greate Britain. By T. H. Fielding, Esq. Illustrated by numerous views of some of the most interesting castles in Great Britain. London: printed by Howlett and Brimmer, Frith Street, Soho square. 1825.
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Historical sketch of Stokesay castle salop. By the late Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. Hon. M.R.S.L. Ludlow : published by G.Woolby, Corve Street. 1921
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The church and fortress of Dover castle. By the Rev. John Puckle, M.A., vicar of St. Mary's, Dover; Rural Dean. With illustrations from the Author’s drawings. Oxford and London: John Henry and James Parker. 1864
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The battle of the Channel Tunnel and Dover castle and forts. A letter (March the 11th, 1882, but with some corrections and modifications) to the Right Honourable Wm. Ewart Gladstone, M.P., First Lord of the treasury; by the Rev. Thomas Berney, A.M., rector and officiating minister of Bracon Ash. Printed by the author to every member of the Legislature.
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Hawarden Castle (1870) by George Thomas Clarck, 1870
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Kirby Muxloe castle near Leicester. Official Guide. Crown copyright reserved. 1917 M. office of works department of ancient monuments and historic buildings
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Richborough castle by J. P. Bushe-fox, F.S.A. inspector of ancient monuments for England. London: printed and published by his majesty's stationery office. 1922
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Some notices of the castle and of the abbies and other religious houses at Trim. Collected from various authorities. Trim: printed by Henry Griffith, 1835.
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Kenilworth castle visitor's handy guide containing a large plan of the ruins & walls with historical notes, dates & references. T. Oakley (compiler), C.E., architect, subyeyor and estate agent, Kenilworth. Published by Robertson and Gray, printers, bookbinders and stationers, Kenilworth and Coventry. Third edition
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Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain and Ireland. By William Howitt. The photographic illustrations by Thompson, Sedgfield, Ogle, and Hemphill. London: Alfred W. Bennett, 5, Bishopsgate without. 1864.
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History of the antiquities of Sandwich and Richborough castle, in Kent. by Oscae Baker with illustrations by the author. London: printed for the author, by Savill & Edwards, 4, Chandos street, Covent garden. 1848.
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Royal castles of England comprising an account of those ancient Fortresses which from the days of William the conqueror either were the homes of English sovereigns or have been intimately associated with the History and Romance of their lives. By Henry C. Shelley, author of "Shakespeare and Stratford," "The art of the Wallace collection," "Tintern Abbey," etc. Illustrated. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd. 1914.


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The early Norman castles of the British Isles by Ella S. Armitage, honorary fellow of the society of Antiquaries of Scotland, author of "The childhood of the English nation"; "The connection of England and Scotland" ; "An introduction to English antiquities" etc., etc. with plans by D. H. Montgomerie, F.S.A. London John Murray, Albemarle street, W. 1912

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The castles and keeps of Scotland being a description of sundry fortresses, towers, peels, and other houses of strength built by the princes and barons of old time in the highlands, islands and borders of the ancient and godfearing kingdom of Scotland by Frank Roy Fraprie, author of "Among Bavarian Inns". Illustrated. Boston: L.C.Page & Company. 1907


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British castles. By Charles H. Ashdown. Containing 32 full-page illustrations in colour and a number of plans and diagrams in the text. London Adam and Charles Black. 1911


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The castles of England their story and structure by sir James D. Mackenzie baronet of Scatwell and Tarbat with 40 plates, 158 text illustrations and 70 plans. New York, The Macmillan Co. 1896.


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The Ancient castles of England and Wales; engraved by William Woolnoth, from original drawings, with historical descriptions by E. W. Brayley, jun. London: published by Longman, Hurst, and Co. Paternoster row and W. Woolnoth, 4, Cross street, Islington. 1825.


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Книга посвящена исследованию и реконструкции отдельных крепостей и укрепленных линий, построенных Московским государством на территории, относящейся сейчас в большей части к Республике Мордовия


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1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-99