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Всего работ в библиотеке: 99
Показано: 41-60
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Castles and chateaux of Old Burgundy and the border provinces. By Francis Miltoun, author of "Castles and chateaux of Old Touraine," "Castles and chateaux of Old Navarre", "Rambles in Normandy", "Italian highways and byways from a motor-саг" etc. with many illustrations reproduced from paintings made on the spot by Blanche McManus, Boston. L.C.Page & Company. 1909
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Castles and chateaux of Old Burgundy and the border provinces. By Francis Miltoun, author of "Castles and chateaux of Old Touraine," "Castles and chateaux of Old Navarre", "Rambles in Normandy", "Italian highways and byways from a motor-саг" etc. with many illustrations reproduced from paintings made on the spot by Blanche McManus, Boston. L.C.Page & Company. 1909
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Материалы, присланные к III конференции ЦИИФ.

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Chateaux et ruines historiques de France, par Alexandre de Lavergne. Illustrations de Theodore Frere. Paris, Charles Warее, editeur, Rue Richelieu, 45 bis. 1845
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Borthwick Castle; or, Sketches of Scottish history. With biographical notices of the chiefs of the house of Argyll. Rev. J. Douglas .Borthwick. Montreal: published by John M. O'Loughlin, bookseller and stationer 243 St. James St., of whom only, copies can be had. 1880
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A description and history of the castles of Kidwelly and Caerphilly and of Castell Coch. By George T. Clarck, ESQ. London: W.Pickering, 177, Piccadilly. Tenby: R.Mason. 1852

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Borthwick Castle; or, Sketches of Scottish history. With biographical notices of the chiefs of the house of Argyll. Rev. J. Douglas .Borthwick. Montreal: published by John M. O'Loughlin, bookseller and stationer 243 St. James St., of whom only, copies can be had. 1880
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Melandra castle being the report of the Manchester and district branch of the Classical Association for 1905 edited by R. S. Conway, Litt.D., Professor of Latin with an introduction by the Rev.E. L. Hicks, M.A. Canon Residentiary of Manchester; president of the branch. Manchester. At the University Press. 1906
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Historical reminiscences of Dublin castle from 849 to 1904. by F. E. R. Sixth edition. Dublin: Sealy, Bryers and Walker. 94, 95 & 96 Middle Abbey Street. 1904.
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Chateaux et ruines historiques de France, par Alexandre de Lavergne. Illustrations de Theodore Frere. Paris, Charles Warее, editeur, Rue Richelieu, 45 bis. 1845
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Borthwick Castle; or, Sketches of Scottish history. With biographical notices of the chiefs of the house of Argyll. Rev. J. Douglas .Borthwick. Montreal: published by John M. O'Loughlin, bookseller and stationer 243 St. James St., of whom only, copies can be had. 1880
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"Архiтектура воiнская, гiпотетическая и еклектiческая, то есть върное наставленiе какъ раsнымi немецкiмi, француsскими, галанскiмi iталiaнскiмi манiрами съ добрымъ прiбыткомъ, такъ въ регулярноi какъ въ iррегулярноi фортiфiкацii полsоватiся воsможно. Isъ седмiдесят i более раsныхъ манiръ, которые отъ лутчiх нынешныхъ iнженеровъ выбраны, отъчасти же самiмъ авторомъ isданы. Въ раsговоре съ некоторою высокою Особою. Isъявлено. От публичного профессора Штурма"
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"Опытъ теорiи военной географiи, с приложенiем къ избранию пунктовъ, для сооруженiя крепостей предназначенныхъ. Сочиненiе подполковника П.Языкова".
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"Опытъ теорiи военной географiи, с приложенiем къ избранию пунктовъ, для сооруженiя крепостей предназначенныхъ. Сочиненiе подполковника П.Языкова".
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Picturesque views and description of cities, towns, castles, mansions, and other objects of interesting feature, in Staffordshire from original designs, taken expressly for this work, by Frederick Calvert; engraved on steel by Mr.T.Radclyffe: with historical and topographical illustrations, by William West. Birmingham: published by William Emans, 170, Bromsgrove street. 1834.
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Известие о взятии Дербента россiйско-императорскими войсками вспоследовавшемъ 21 июня 1806 г. Съ кратким топографическимъ и историческимъ описанiем сего города. Присланное изъ лагеря при Дербенте отъ 1 августа 1806 года. Съ дозволенiя  Санкт-Петербургскаго Цензурнаго Комитета. В Санктпетербурге в типографии И.Глазунова, 1806 г.
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Cliff castles and cave dwellings of Europe. By S.Baring-Gould, M.A. author of "Family names & their story", "The tragedy of the ceasars”, "Curious myths of the middle ages", &c, &c. With 51 illustrations & diagrams. London: Seeley and co. Limited, 38 Great Russell Street, 1911
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"Опытъ теорiи военной географiи, с приложенiем къ избранию пунктовъ, для сооруженiя крепостей предназначенныхъ. Сочиненiе подполковника П.Языкова".
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1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-99