Competitions |
The HFSC competition for the best publication on the history of fortification
The History of Fortification Study Centre (HFSC) announces a competition for the best research work on the history of fortification published in 2021-25. Works on the history of fortifications all over the world from antiquity to the 20th century are received for consideration. The demands to a competitive work are as follows:
Preference will be given to works that have made an important contribution to the learning of the history of fortification.
The winners will receive a memorable prize and a year-valid membership card of the HFSC.
The deadline of presenting a claim is December 30, 2025.
The submitted materials will be considered by the jury by January 31, 2025, the decision concerning the winner or winners will be taken in February 2025. Works should be sent for the competition in the form of a pdf-file – a scanned copy of the published material, the exact imprint is obligatory – to e-mail We shall confirm the receiving of the application in a few day’s time. If the confirmation does not reach you, please send the material again.
An application for participation in the competition must be enclosed. The application can be written in an easy form and should comprise the surname, name and second/father’s name of the competitor, his/her scientific degree (if any), education, the place of work, a list of his/her most important publications.
The results of the 2016-2020 HFSC competition
According to the results of the vote of the HFSC academic council members, the research works on the history of fortification of the year are: Among monographs: Буров В.А. Крепость Соловецкого монастыря: История, зодчество, археология. – М.–СПб.: Нестор-История, 2020.
Among articles:
Моргунов Ю.Ю. К методике археологического изучения городищенских валов // Вопросы истории фортификации. – Вып. 7. – СПб.–М., 2020. – С. 43–59. Our congratulations toВладимир Андронович Буров (Vladimir Andronovich Burov) and Юрий Юрьевич Моргунов (Yuriy Yuriyevich Morgunov)!
The results of the 2013-2015 HFSC competition
According to the results of the vote of the HFSC academic council members, the research works on the history of fortification of the year are: Among monographs: Авилов Р.С., Аюшин Н.Б., Калинин В.И. Владивостокская крепость: Войска, фортификация, события, люди. В 4-х томах:
Часть I. "Назло надменному соседу". 1860-1905 гг. - Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2013. - 384 с. + цв. вкл.
Часть II. Уроки Порт-Артура. 1906-1917 гг. - Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2014. - 408 с. + цв. вкл.
Часть III. Крепость трёх измерений. - В печати. - 518 с.
Часть IV. Инженеры Владивостокской крепости: счастливые люди. - Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2015. - 378 с.
Among articles:
Калинин В.И., Крадин Н.П., Авилов Р.С. Охранные блокгаузы на линии Китайской Восточной железной дороги // Вопросы истории фортификации. – 2015. – № 5. – С. 35–67. Our congratulations toРоман Сергеевич Авилов, Николай Будаевич Аюшин, Владимир Иванович Калинин and Владимир Иванович Калинин, Николай Петрович Крадин, Роман Сергеевич Авилов!
The results of the 2012 HFSC competition
According to the results of the vote of the HFSC academic council members, the research works on the history of fortification of the year are: Among monographs: Красножон А.В. Крепость Белгород (Аккерман) на Днестре: История строительства. – Кишинев: Stratum Plus, 2012. – 411 с., илл.
Among articles: Гостев И.М. Развитие системы береговой обороны дельты Северной Двины в XVII-XIX вв. // Новые материалы по истории фортификации. - Вып. 1. - Архангельск, 2012. - С. 6-33. Our congratulations to Андрей Васильевич Красножон and Игорь Михайлович Гостев!
The results of the 2011 HFSC competition
According to the results of the vote of the HFSC academic council members, the research works on the history of fortification of the year are: Among monographs: Кушнярэвiч А.М. Мураваная дабастыённая фартыфiкацыя Вялiкага Княства Лiтоўскага. — Мiнск: Беларусская навука, 2011. – 234 с.
Among articles: Panasenko A., Kalinin V. Guardian of the Our congratulations to Аляксандр Мiкалаевiч Кушнярэвiч, Александр Евгеньевич Панасенко and Владимир Иванович Калинин!The ceremonial congratulation of the victors will take place at the 5th HFSC conference on the history of fortification (Automn 2012).
The results of the 2010 HFSC competition According to the results of the vote of the HFSC academic council members, the BEST MONOGRAPH on the history of fortification of the year is:
Monnier F. Les fortresses égyptiennes: Du Prédynastique au Nouvel Empire.
– Bruxelles: Éditions Safran, 2010. – 208 p. + pl.
Our congratulations to Franck Monnier!
The results of the 2009 HFSC competition According to the results of the vote of the HFSC academic council members, the research works on the history of fortification of the year are:
Among monographs: Дьякова О.В. Военное зодчество Центрального Сихотэ-Алиня в древности и средневековье. – М.: Вост. лит., 2009. – 245 с.
Among articles:
Мазурова Н.Б. Количество башен Коломенского кремля в XVI веке // Коломна и Коломенская земля. История и культура. – Коломна: ИД "Лига”, 2009. – С. 147–177. Our congratulations to Ольга Васильевна Дьякова and Наталья Борисовна Мазурова! The ceremonial congratulation of the victors took place on April 17, 2010, at the 2nd HFSC conference on the history of fortification. |