Questions of the History of Fortification. Issue 4. 2013 |
CONTENTS PRIMARY SOURCES Kirpichnikov A.N. Medieval stone-throwers according to al-Tarsusi’s tractate
of the 12th century. Pivovarchik ARTICLES Petrov D.A. Construction of Moscow Kremlin, Novgorod Detinets
and Ivangorod Fortress in the context of building situation in the Moscow State
in 1480–1490-s. Penskoy V.V. Capture of Sokol Fortress by the troops of Stephan
Bathory in the campaign of 1579. Nossov K.S. The armament of Smolensk Fortress according to the
17th century Russian Lists of Ordnance. Pivovarchik S.A. Garrison of the Grodnensky Fortified Region on
the eve and at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Panasenko A.E., Kalinin V.I. At the guard of Kolyma Gold. Coast defences at
permafrost. BOOK REVIEWS HFSC COMPETITION for the Best Work on the History of Fortification in 2012 ABOUT THE JOURNAL |