Questions of the History of Fortification. Issue 2. 2011

Karelin D.A. Roman Military Architecture in Egypt.
Nossov K.S. Punic fortification.
Nagiev G.G. The Long walls in early medieval Azerbaijan’s defence system.
Ivanyuk S.A. Izum fortifications in the 17th–18th centuries.
Bagrin E.A. Sorties in Russians defence of East Siberian fortifications in the second half of 17th century.
Ivanyuk S.A. Kievan urban fortifications in Great Northern War (1700–1721).
Pastukhov A.M. Forts on the Salee River, 1866-1876.
ABSTRACTS from 2nd conference of the HFSC (17–18 April, 2010, Moscow, Russia)
Dyakova O.V. Medieval fortresses in the Primorye.
Bagrin Е.А., Ayushin N.B. Chinese fortress guns in the late 19th century.
Penskoy V.V. The Smolensk campaign of Vasili III.
Gubaydullin A.M. Kazan fortification, 11th–16th centuries.
Nossov K.S. Ancient Greek Fortification in Asia Minor.
Pastukhov A.M. Chinese fortifications in the battle at Sonhvana, 29.07.1894 — myth or reality?
ABSTRACTS from 3rd conference of the HFSC (7 November, 2010, Moscow, Russia)
Karelin D.A. Architectural peculiarities of late Roman fortresses for the field army in Egypt.
Gubaydullin A.M. Early medieval fortified sites on the Middle Volga.
Khabibullin A.N. Medieval Turkic-Tatar fortification terminology.
Nossov K.S. Man-hour and the cost of fortifications in Medieval Russia.
Penskoy V.V. Ivan the Terrible’s ‘Polotsk fortresses’ (concerning the time of the appearance of bastion fortifications in Russia).
Mikhailov А.А. Artillery armament of the fortresses of the Pskov land in the 17th century (on the example of Gdov, Izborsk and Ostrov fortresses).
Noven’kova T.V. Russian fortification in the 18th century: concept and typology.
Ivanyuk S.A. ‘Hooked engine’: engineer devices used by the Russian garrison defending the Poltava fortress in spring 1709.
Pastukhov A.M. Khvason Fortress — the height of Korean fortification.
ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION Disputable fortification terms
HFSC COMPETITION for the Best Work on the History of Fortification in 2010
CONTENTS of the "Questions of the History of Fortification” – Issue 1. – 2010