Questions of the History of Fortification. Issue 5. 2015 |
CONTENTS ARTICLESPetrov D.A. The architecture of the Moscow Kremlin Beklemishevskaya Tower Fedunkiv Z. The evolution of defensive structures of bastion regular castles of West Ukraine Slavnitskii N.R. Building and repair work financing principles in northwest Russia’s fortresses in the first half of the 18th century Kalinin V.I., Kradin N.P., Avilov R.S. Blockhouses standing guard on the line of the Chinese Eastern railway Kalinin V.I., Panasenko А.Е. The Pacific fleet coastal flag command post “Granit” or the Three lives of the Suvorov Fort Nikiforov D.N. 305 mm howitzers M1915 in the Iman Fortified Region. The history of the formation and military service of the 295th Independent Super Heavy Artillery Division ABSTRACTS from 5th conference of the HFSC (May 2–11, 2013, Kaliningrad – Poland) Leont’ev A.E. Ruins of fortified settlement Es’ki on the Mologa River. Defences in the flood plain. Nossov K.S. Byk and roskat in the 17th century – construction variants Bukanova R.G. Peter I about Russia’s fortresses Muratova S.R. Towns-fortresses on the 18th century Siberian lines Martynyuk A.P. The old and new Fridland gates in Kőnigsberg: some information and facts from the history of their building and service Kas’yanov N.V. Vladivostok Fortress: architectural-landscape monument BOOK REVIEWS ABOUT THE JOURNAL